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marmotte qui dort...
4 janvier 2006

this used to be my playground...

La chanson parfaite pour "faire le point" en ce début d'année... moi, je le reconnais, j'ai versé quelques larmes ! vous trouvez que c'est futile ? quel manque de sensibilité de votre part, ami lecteur ! Madonna n'est pas qu'une "amuseuse", méfiez-vous des apparences ;) foi de marmotte !

Pour tous mes ami(e)s y compris ceux avec lesquels je me suis fachée (enfin, certain(e)s ;)).


This used to be my playground [used to be]
This used to be my childhood dream
This used to be the place I ran to
Whenever I was in need
Of a friend
Why did it have to end
And why do they always say

Don't look back
Keep your head held high
Don't ask them why
Because life is short
And before you know
You're feeling old
And your heart is breaking
Don't hold on to the past
Well that's too much to ask


No regrets
But I wish that you
Were here with me
Well then there's hope yet
I can see your face
In our secret place
You're not just a memory
Say goodbye to yesterday [the dream]
Those are words I'll never say [I'll never say]

This used to be my playground [used to be]
This used to be our pride and joy
This used to be the place we ran to
That no one in the world could dare destroy

This used to be our playground [used to be]
This used to be our childhood dream
This used to be the place we ran to
I wish you were standing here with me

Un peu de nostalgie ? Un brin d'amertume ?
oh oui ! que je te comprends !
marmotte qui dort...
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