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marmotte qui dort...
22 avril 2005

DVD : un monde meilleur (in english !)

monde_meilleur2I saw "PAY IT FORWARD" 2 days ago, as it was recommended by some colleagues of mine: "you see this is the kind of story who makes my wife weep in front of the TV set... but she founds it tremendous!". So, I decided to try it and took it at my job's DVD library.

This movie is the story of a boy, his teacher and his mother... mainly. It is obvious that the kid is going to try to "marry" the man and the woman. That should be "boring" as seen thousands of times. But not at all as this is only part of the scenario. Indeed, the main topic of this movie is "What can you do to make the world change? And then... do it!". This is what the teacher gives the boy and his classmates to think about. And our young hero is going to find a solution, the classical "pyramid" thing! If you do good to someone and then he does good to someone else, etc. This seems easy... isn't it? But actually, everybody knows that it's not: reality is a mess and people are not willing to get involved in such things. :( Life is hard for idealists (I can testimony about that!!!).

The main point is to see how the characters evolve, how the boy tries, sees the consequences, sees how adults are different from children, but also discovers who he is, etc. The movie also shows you some "social problems" as alcoholism, the difficulty to go beyond your "big failures", etc.

So, it's of course perfectly played by the actors. They were "well chosen" and I think it was quite easy for them. Technically, this movie has nothing special. What is important is the story. The pictures are "usual": Las Vegas, the desert, a boy on a bicycle, a bridge, a school, some junkies, etc.

So, this is a beautiful movie (for women, mostly) as it is full of "good feelings" and wants to make you think that we can change the world by "giving a hand" when needed to unknown people just by kindness and generosity. Then, just think about it... Who knows what may happen a day or another ;)

P.S.: I wept not but was moved... and then, thought a lot about Human Kind!



...mais c'est bien toi qui pnds un texte impressionnant, tou en anglais et en plus correct? Wow... quel niveau... tu as vu que j'ai aussi un petit site personnel maintenant? viens y faire une visite si tu as le temps et tu peux aussi donner l'adresse à nos amis communs, comme ça on reste en contact...<br /> ciao, bisou...
Ben, mon comm. a disparu ... <br /> Damned, I did it in English ;-)<br /> Oh my God !
Ben, j'ai bien fait de me verser un petit whisky, car tu nous demande un sacré effort aujourd'hui. Je regarde toujours les films en VO, même les finlandais ou les jamonais, mais les blogs VO, c'est dur dur! En plus, je n'ai pas vu ce film, la photo de l'affiche est riquiqui et ne me dit rien. Je le note et je m'en félicite.<br /> Bises
But what is it ? A post in English. So, I'm going to try to improve mine ... ;-)<br /> So, I saw this film a few years ago. Dramatically fantastic. Excellent story, Kevin Spacey is one of my favorite actors, and Haley Osment will become a great one (his performance in The Sixth Sense and A.I was splendid). And what to say about Helen Hunt ... Well, nothing apart she so genius as an actress (also Meg Ryan -did you see her in When Harry met Sally, one of my favorite's film ...)<br /> When you said that this film is mostly for women, I can't agree with you. Just a second ... no, I'm a man, really ;-). I like thses kind of stories. <br /> my female side, undoubtedly :-)<br /> See you.<br /> Kisses, my marmot ;-)
marmotte qui dort...
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